Saturday 19 September 2009

Reorganising the indoor plants

Nutmeg has decided now is a great time to start crawling. She's seven months old and I wasn't expecting it for another two, so have had to rearrange the plants in a hurry. Previously they were all on the floor near the big French windows. Now they are all on the table against the big French windows - I figure autumn is nearly here so we won't be throwing the windows wide open for a few months. Hopefully by the time spring comes she will have got over the desire to put everything she sees in her mouth.

This was a good opportunity to repot too, so the pot-bound number-one avocado plant has got a larger home complete with improved drainage and those little clay balls on top to try to keep the pesky fungus gnats away.
And the passion fruit seedlings have been moved into a very large new pot with a little trellis for them to climb when they get to that stage. I don't know how fast they will grow in winter so opted for the small trellis rather than having a big empty one for months and months.
Finally, the tiny pineapple plantlets have also moved into minute pots of their own. The pineapple top I planted has taken very well, let's hope the babies take too. They're so cute! The bigger one is still smaller than my smallest fingernail.

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