Tuesday, 29 September 2009

More planning

If we had a house with a real garden, I would want forsythia. When I was small we had forsythia along the side of the garden, and the trailing branches (ours were never pruned, I think) made a wonderful den to play in. One year a bird nested above us. I've seen the idea of planting quick-growing willows to make a play-house and that appeals too. Maybe we could do both!

We are also thinking about chickens.


  1. I never knew you had another blog, just found it!!

    I wish I gardened!!

    I sent you an email reply about Itty Bitty today, just wanted to make sure you got it.

    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!

  2. I love forsythea (sp). My grandmother had an entire hedge of them outside the kitchen window so the neighbors couldn't see inside:)
