Wednesday, 15 July 2009

To grow a mango...

We ate another mango recently and I decided to see if we could grow a second little tree. The first seems happy enough, it has four largish leaves and some tiny ones coming, but it doesn't appear to be growing any more. Probably it's not getting enough sunshine, it has been very rainy and cool.

So here is what we did, in pictures:

This is what a mango pit looks like when you've scrubbed off most of the flesh that you couldn't scrape off and eat. This pit was particularly hairy! I had soaked the previous one in a bowl of warm water (renewing the water every day or two) for about a week, but then got tired of that and opened the husk, so with this one I decided to open it up straight away to get things moving.

I prised open the husk very carefully at the end that had been connected to the stalk. It doesn't show up so well on the pic, but that's the mango seed inside the husk, and it already has the beginnings of a root! (Not the brown stringy bit you can see, that's just where it was connected to the stalk inside the husk) My first seed didn't sprout until after it had been out for several days, but I had heard that they sometimes do, so was being extra careful.

There it is, looking rather like some odd type of seafood. I love the pretty markings on the skin. My first seed didn't have a split in its root like this one either, I don't know if this is something to do with its already rooting in the husk or if there's something wrong with it. I'm pretty sure it's the same kind of mango!

The little seed outside the husk. You can see the root at the far end, and the place where the shoot may grow from at the near end (I think). I pulled off the pretty skin because that's what I did with the first one, although I don't know if it was really necessary since this one had already rooted. Probably not. Then I put it in wet kitchen roll for a few days, but as nothing much happened I decided it would probably be happier in a pot, so planted it. And that is where it still is. The pot is about 1 litre in size, maybe even a bit more. I hope it grows!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Wow! What an amazing seed. This is the first time looking at the actual seed. Next time I buy a mango (which I love the taste) I will do the same. Thank you for the comment and letting me visit.
